Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What are Dream Theme Studies?

Unit studies are a very appealing teaching method for homeschooling parents for a variety of reasons. They allow freedom by enabling the parent to choose the theme, content, activities, and experiences they will present to help teach the unit of study. They also allow the parent to teach to multiple ages of children by slightly altering the material presented to suit each different age group's needs. The main thing I love about unit studies is that they are all about a theme! Themes inspire me! Once I decide on a theme my creative wheels start turning and cannot be stopped! I quickly and enthusiastically start gathering all of my information, resources, worksheets, literary sources and start dreaming up activities, field trips, crafts and experiments to go along with my theme. This is my favorite part of the unit study process. I love sharing my ideas with my homeschooling friends, who on several occasions encouraged me to put all of this information I collect into comprehensive studies to offer to other mothers who may also enjoy unit studies, but do not enjoy the endless information gathering, research, time and energy needed to put them together. Thus Dream Theme was born. There are other companies that sell unit studies. I have found that most of them provide you with the framework and leave you to do the rest of the gathering of the necessary books, information, and supplies, which is what typically takes the most time. When you purchase a complete Dream Theme I include everything needed to do the study. Worksheets, literature, songs, craft kits, experiment ideas, field trip ideas, and more are all included! Of course you can still use your imagination and come up with more, but with Dream Theme you don't have to. So, dream of a theme and let me do the rest!

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